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Apple is removing every single vape app from the App Store

Close to 200 have been removed so far.

vape ban apple app store
Image: KnowTechie

In response to the 42 vape-related deaths across the country and reports from the CDC, Apple is taking down vape-related apps from the App Store.

Axios reports that this morning 181 apps are now eliminated. If someone searched terms like “e-cig” they were greeted with no results.

Apple released its statement on the issue, reflecting on the ongoing crisis and its decision with the App Store.

Recently, experts ranging from the CDC to the American Heart Association have attributed a variety of lung injuries and fatalities to e-cigarette and vaping products, going so far as to call the spread of these devices a public health crisis and a youth epidemic. We agree, and we’ve updated our App Store Review Guidelines to reflect that apps encouraging or facilitating the use of these products are not permitted.

However, the term “vape” can still show results, but it shows apps that help users quit vaping or e-cigarettes.

In response to the vape-related deaths, Apple removes 181 vape apps from the App Store

Apple stopped accepting new vape apps in the store back in June and this is just the next logical step. The company reassures customers that the apps were not marketplaces to buy off-the-street vapes. Instead, the store sold ones can control the temperature of smart vapes and ones that acted as news sources.

Apple has been given encouragement from the American Heart Association and Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. Nancy Brown, the CEO of the Association, has said that they are “grateful” for the company’s decision.

What do you think? Surprised by Apple’s decision to remove vape apps from the App Store? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

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