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Review: Stündenglass gravity infuser

Stündenglass is the $600 gravity bong you never knew you needed.

Stündenglass gravity bong on kitchen counter
Image: Kevin Raposo / KnowTechie
The Good
Simple to use, especially if you have any previous experience with gravity bongs
Zero-Contact Smoking
Lung-busting results
Multiple different use-cases besides smoking cannabis
The Bad
It's outrageously expensive
Cleaning the Stündenglass can be a little tricky

UPDATE 12/26/2022 12:37 PM EST: I just wanted to give you a quick update on this review from back in March. In case you were wondering, this bong is still kicking my ass in the best way possible. I’ll admit I’m sometimes intimidated by it, but when I do finally use it, it’s totally worth it. So don’t worry; this fancy gravity bong is still worth every single one of those $600. I just thought you should know.

In my heyday, all I needed to get stoned was a couple of empty two-litter bottles, a slither of tinfoil, some room-temperature water, and, naturally, some weed.

Do you see where I’m going with this? Essentially, I’m describing all the fixings of a basic gravity bong

Today, I wouldn’t be caught dead smoking out one of these. After all, who wants to dig through the recycling bin to craft something that helps them get high?

Sure, it was fun when I was 17, but at the ripe old age of 38, there must be a better alternative. 

Well, meet the Stündenglass Gravity Infuser. This beast of a smoking apparatus is your modern-day take on the classic gravity bong you used to make in your friend’s basement.

Editor’s Pick

Quick Verdict

If you like getting zonked out of your skull, then Studenglass is what you’re looking for. I didn’t think I would like it, but it’s given me a newfound respect for gravity bongs.

Update: This bong? Still wrecking me in the most enjoyable way imaginable. Just wanted to keep you all in the loop on my ongoing struggle against this formidable piece of glassware

Now, imagine what one would look like if a former Apple employee and a team of engineers designed one.

Well, that’s what you get with the Stündenglass. I mean, look at it. Have you ever seen a bong this gorgeous? I didn’t coin this term, but this is some modern-age bongineering, am I right?

Stündenglass gravity bong on office desk next to keyboard
Image: Kevin Raposo / KnowTechie

Modern-age bongineering

I promised myself a long time ago that I would never smoke out of a gravity bong again, but passing an opportunity to smoke some fire out of something like this was out of the question. 

READ MORE: Review: Ardent FX – an easy bake oven for edibles

And after a few weeks with the Stündenglass, I can confidently say it works just as advertised. It’s an absolute beast, and it literally put me on my ass, like, in a good way.

Studenglass Gravity Bong
AirPods Pro (2nd Generation)

Who is this good for?

  • Anyone who wants something a little more sophisticated than traditional gravity bongs or hookahs.
  • People who want a zero-contact smoking option
  • Serious stoners who value a smooth but unforgiving cannabis experience.

If looks could kill

Stündenglass water infuser on kitchen counter
Image: Kevin Raposo / KnowTechie

On the outside, the Stündenglass looks incredibly intimidating. You know it’s going to fuck you up just by looking at it.

Sure, the actual product won’t, but the science behind it surely will. Here’s how the company describes it on its product page: 

“Stündenglass is honored to introduce the Gravity Infuser, a sophisticated and elegantly designed 360° rotating glass infuser that generates kinetic motion activation via cascading water displacement, opposing airflow technology and the natural force of gravity.”

I don’t know about you guys, but that tells me smoking out of this thing will get you absolutely ripped. I mean, science says so, and I’m certainly not going to argue with science.

But after a few initial test runs, I can confirm this thing is legit and genuinely out of this world.  

Stündenglass bowl and mouth piece product shot
Image: Kevin Raposo / KnowTechie
wemax go portable projector product shot
Staff Pick
Bonus Deal: Stündenglass is hooking KnowTechie readers up with an exclusive 10% discount. Enter promo code Knowtechie at checkout, and a 10% discount will apply to your order.
On-Going Offer

How it performs

Using the Stündenglass is pretty straightforward. If you have any previous experience with gravity bongs, you’ll feel at home here.

However, if this is your first time, here’s a quick rundown: 

Fill the infuser with water, pack the bowl, and light your material. From here, you’ll flip the glass unit over – this is where the magic happens.

After you flip it over, water will drain into the bottom chamber, filling the top chamber with smoke.

Once the lower chamber fills with smoke, flip the unit again, and smoke immediately rushes out of the mouthpiece. So here’s your queue to start inhaling all the smoke that rushes out. 

Here’s a helpful video that explains the whole process above

After my first try, I was floored by how well it worked. Sure, gravity bongs achieve the same effect, but it’s not as smooth as Stündenglass.

Also, with gravity bongs, the smoke comes out hot and harsh to the lungs. Not to mention, it doesn’t taste all that great either, but this wasn’t the case with Studenglass.

And with traditional gravity bongs, you only have one chance to suck up all that smoke before it’s gone.

Your lungs are going to need a break, in a good way

With Studenglass, if the smoke becomes a bit much, you can flip the unit over again and send the smoke to the other empty chamber, giving your lungs a break.

If mary jane isn’t your cup of tea, the Stündenglass can be used for things other than cannabis. For example, you can use it for hookah and Shisha tobacco.

And if you really want to get fancy, it can also be used as a beverage infuser, creating smoke-infused drinks. 

Stündenglass water bong on desk next to keyboard and laptop
Image: Kevin Raposo / KnowTechie

Final Verdict – Should you buy the Stündenglass?

If you enjoy smoking weed and getting zonked out of your skull, then the Studenglass is what you’re looking for.

I didn’t think I would like it, but it’s given me a newfound respect for gravity bongs after using it several times.

Another silver lining is all the money you’ll eventually save buying cannabis.

What would typically take me one or two grams to reach my desired high, the Studenglass was able to get me there with less than half a gram because I’m essentially smoking it all in about 30 seconds. 

So yea, if you enjoy getting stoned and saving money, then the Studenglass infuser is something that you should track on your radar.

Sure, you may not need it, but having it around for you and your partner or the occasional house guest doesn’t hurt either. 

Stündenglass water bong on desk next to keyboard and laptop
Image: Kevin Raposo / KnowTechie

Now, here’s the awkward part. Studenglass isn’t cheap. The unit will set you back $600. Yes, $600 for a gravity bong.

To be fair, once you get your hands on it, buyer’s remorse will immediately fade away. 

Sure, $600 is a big ask, especially considering it’s for a souped-up gravity bong. But again, I can’t stress how much money you’ll eventually save on flower down the road.

This puppy will get you stoned to the bone for a lot less flour than you’re generally used to.

The Stündenglass gravity infuser is a gravity bong for adults

  • Best Overall

    The Stündenglass gravity infuser

    So, is the Stündenglass worth the $600 price tag? It might be if you’re a serious stoner who values a smooth, clean hit and a zero-contact smoking experience. Plus, with endorsements from Seth Rogen and Wiz Khalifa, you know it’s gotta be good.

  • Best Runner-up

    Studenglass Kompact

    The Stündenglass Kompact is supposedly more compact. But don’t get too excited – it’s just as expensive as the original, so you might as well go big or go home. In the end, it’s all about personal preference

wemax go portable projector product shot
Staff Pick
Bonus Deal: Stündenglass is hooking KnowTechie readers up with an exclusive 10% discount. Enter promo code Knowtechie at checkout, and a 10% discount will apply to your order.
On-Going Offer

The Studenglass comes in two sizes. First, there’s the original, and then a smaller compact unit called the Studenglass Kompact.

Unfortunately, there’s no difference in price, so it all comes down to personal preference. 

If the $600 is a tough pill to swallow, there are other alternatives naturally. Of course, for less than $3, you can always make your own gravity bong, but again, you won’t get the same results.

And if making your own isn’t an option, similar products include the Infinity Waterfall and Freeze Pipe’s gravity bong

Where to find the Stündenglass gravity bong

The Studenglass is available via the company’s website.

Studenglass Gravity Bong
AirPods Pro (2nd Generation)

Who is this good for?

  • Anyone who wants something a little more sophisticated than traditional gravity bongs or hookahs.
  • People who want a zero-contact smoking option
  • Serious stoners who value a smooth but unforgiving cannabis experience.

Have any thoughts on this? Carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

Editors’ Recommendations:

Just a heads up, if you buy something through our links, we may get a small share of the sale. A sample unit was provided for this review. Click here for more.

The Good
Simple to use, especially if you have any previous experience with gravity bongs
Zero-Contact Smoking
Lung-busting results
Multiple different use-cases besides smoking cannabis
The Bad
It's outrageously expensive
Cleaning the Stündenglass can be a little tricky

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