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Japanese billionaire picks 8 people to join him on moon mission

The flight is possible thanks to SpaceX.

spacex starship rocket in space
Image: SpaceX

UPDATE 12/9/2022 8:46 AM ET: Yusaku Maezawa has decided on the eight people to join him on the mission around the moon. It includes notables like DJ Steve Aoki and YouTube creator Tim Dodd. Read the full list here. The original article follows below.

Yusaku Maezawa, a Japanese billionaire, is planning to pay for eight more people on his private mission around the Moon.

Yusaku Maezawa is not any ordinary billionaire, and he has proven that on many occasions. His Dear Moon Project is assumed to take him on a trip around the moon with the help of Elon Musk’s SpaceX rocket.

In 2018, Maezawa was introduced as the first space tourist to have the chance to circle the moon onboard a SpaceX rocket. 

However, his plans have changed quite a lot since then. Last year, he even started a campaign to find a female partner to accompany him on the space trip around the moon. More than 27,000 women applied through his website.

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Even an entire reality show was supposed to follow Maezawa throughout the selection process until he finds a partner.

They named the reality show “Full Moon Lovers.” But before the reality show started, Maezawa canceled everything. He later tweeted and apologized to everyone involved.

Fast forward to 2021, Maezawa is back again with another initiative to bring someone on board the SpaceX starship with him. He doesn’t aim for just one person this time, but eight people will join him for free. Also, he doesn’t aim at any romantic relationship.

Instead, he wants to bring on board eight people with artistic aspirations.

At least that’s what we have concluded from his YouTube video in which he broadened the scope of the term artist by saying, “maybe every single person is doing something creative could be called an artist.”

Anyone interested in joining Maezawa on a trip around the moon can apply through his website, The pre-registration process is open for everyone and ends on March 14th, 2021.

Then comes initial screening, followed by an additional assessment. Those that pass will get to do an online interview. The final interview and the medical checkup will take place in late May this year. 

They mentioned that there would be one or two more people (probably SpaceX astronauts) on board. Furthermore, the flight is planned for 2023.

Have any thoughts on this? Would you join this billionaire on a flight around the Moon? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

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