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ASUS teases new laptop with 3D OLED display

While the teaser seems pretty obvious, it may be teasing multiple products simultaneously.

asus 3d oled laptop teaser
Image: Asus

Asus has begun teasing one of its upcoming CES announcements, which looks incredibly intriguing.

We received a set of teasers from Asus regarding a potential 3D OLED laptop, with each teaser revealing a bit more about the product.

The first teaser is a video with the word “Asus” written in 3D. As the words lift off the page, they flip to “CES, Jan. 5.”

The second teaser is a 3D image with a hidden message.

This is where you get the first indication that the announcement will have something to do with an Asus laptop, as there are various images on the page itself.

asus ces illusion
Image: Asus

If you stare at the image long enough, you will eventually see the message ‘3D OLED’ pop out.

The third and final teaser is another video and the most exciting.

The video shows 3D images coming out of a laptop display. It ends with ‘A NEW DIMENSION FOR OLED’ written under the laptop screen.

While the teaser seems pretty obvious, it may be teasing multiple products simultaneously.

We can’t rule out the possibility that Asus will launch a 3D OLED display and a new line of laptops at CES. Only time will tell, and we can’t wait for January.

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