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How to turn on dark mode on Nintendo Switch

Dark mode can really save your eyes from a lot of strain.

nintendo switch in dark mode with basic black theme
Image: KnowTechie

If you’re tired of the Nintendo Switch’s bright interface, dark mode may be the solution. Most devices offer this feature. However, it goes by different names, including night mode, and, in the case of the Switch, Basic Black.

Dark mode is an alleged miracle cure for several common problems. For instance, using a darker theme in low light may reduce eye strain.

Dark mode may also lower blue light exposure, helping to keep your circadian rhythm in tune. Additionally, using a dark-themed interface can help conserve your device’s battery life, as a darker screen uses less power.

How to turn on the Nintendo Switch’s dark mode

The Nintendo Switch, by design, doesn’t have a feature that it explicitly calls ‘dark mode.’

Instead, you are able to change the overall user interface of the console from a white background to a black background, which accomplishes the same thing.

  1. Select System Settings from the console’s home screennintendo switch home screen

  2. Scroll down and select Themes, then Basic Blackbasic black theme nintendo switch

And there you have it. While this isn’t technically called dark mode, changing to the Basic Black theme will change your Nintendo Switch’s background from white to black.

The Switch’s Basic Black theme has one serious side effect

After switching to dark mode, you may notice that your Nintendo Switch’s UI looks much better than before. This is a known side effect of enabling darker themes on electronic devices.

It’s nothing to be concerned about, so sit back and embrace the change. You know what they say about going black and never going back, right?

If, however, dark mode is too slick for you to handle, you can switch back to the standard theme and enjoy your white-bread life.

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