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Samsung’s Galaxy Fold, doesn’t come with a headphone jack

RIP to convenience.

samsung fold phone
Screenshot: Samsung

Well, they finally went and did it. That’s right, Samsung, the company that’s notoriously known for mocking Apple for ditching the headphone jack just did the same thing with the new Galaxy Fold.

Yup, the Galaxy Fold will not come with a headphone jack, according to The Verge. Exciting times, I know.

On Wednesday, Samsung finally lifted the veil on its extremely elusive folding phone. The phone features six cameras, two batteries, and get this – it’s going to cost $1,980.

As our own Josiah Motley notes, that’s basically the price of a high-end phone and tablet put together.

I mean, Christ, for that price, you would think at the very least Samsung would include a headphone jack with the phone. Well, apparently not.

This has been the trend for a while now

Unfortunately, this seems to be the norm with new smartphone releases. Smartphone makers like Apple, Google, and Huawei have all recently released new phones without headphone jacks.

This means in order for users to listen to music or audio on these smartphones, owners will have to either buy Bluetooth headphones or in Apple’s case, a Lightning adapter.

Hella lame, I know, but that’s just how it is now.

What’s funny about all this is that Samsung went out of their way to mock Apple for ditching the headphone jack on the iPhone. Like, they literally spent money on advertising campaigns throwing shade at Apple.

Either way, not having a headphone jack isn’t the end of the world. I’ve been living without one for a couple of years now and I rarely think about.

Sure, it’s made me go out and buy countless Bluetooth headphones and a set of AirPods, but again, it’s not like I’m losing sleep over it.

At the end of the day, it’s a headphone jack, folks. Everything will be ok, I promise.

Do you think this is a big deal or not? Have any thoughts? Let us know down below in the comments or carry the discussion over to our Twitter or Facebook.

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