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This video shows a Tesla driver being pulled over for driving 82 mph while asleep with Autopilot on

Tesla drivers: Please don’t do this.

One of the first things they tell you when you buy a Tesla is that these cars can drive themselves. But the company also warns you to keep your hands on the steering wheel while paying attention to the road ahead.

Well, at least one Tesla driver clearly didn’t get the memo because, as you can see in the video above, the bozo was pulled over for allegedly falling asleep behind the wheel.

In the video, you can see the cops attempting to pull the driver over. This went on for two miles without the driver noticing that cop cars were following him. Eventually, the driver noticed he was being stopped and pulled over. On the side of the highway, the Tesla driver told police he was “a little bit tired” but claimed he was never asleep. The man was issued a traffic citation nonetheless.

In an interview with Fox 6 News, the deputy in the video said, “Never let technology take over so that you take your hands and eyes off the road.” That’s fair enough, but how about, uh, not falling asleep behind the wheel of a moving car?

Moral of the story: Just because you have a Tesla that’s capable of driving on its own, don’t be a jerk and fall asleep with Autopilot engaged.

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