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This app will pay you $5 a day to keep you from drinking

It also includes a suite of tools to help users get past addictions.

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Image: KnowTechie

A new option to help overcome addiction using a well-known but underutilized method is now available through an app. It is called DynamiCare Health and it offers incentives to those who continue to fight against addictions, like binge drinking or drug use.

DynamiCare Health is a startup out of Boston. The company has developed a fully digital therapeutics platform for Android and iOS to try and help combat addiction. It includes tons of features and testing options that can help manage addiction in an easy and dignified way.

The platform consists of recovery coaches that users can always reach out to for help. There are scheduling tools so you can keep up with any recovery meetings or appointments. And the app includes over 90 self-paced exercises to help learn coping mechanisms and strategies to get over addiction.

dynamicare app for recovery notifications
Image: KnowTechie

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But the most interesting aspect of the DynamiCare Health platform is its use of contingency management. Contingency management is a treatment option that utilizes the instant gratification responses in our brain.

Essentially, replacing substance use with small rewards can simulate the same feeling of gratification in our brain.

DynamiCare Health’s app uses contingency management to help combat excessive drinking

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Contingency management is a treatment method that has been known for years, but there aren’t many healthcare options that utilize it. That’s where DynamiCare Health comes in. The app offers rewards when users are successful at not drinking or doing drugs.

DynamiCare Health offers small, monetary rewards to users who continue to move forward on their road to recovery. Typically, $5 a day. This helps our brain feel the instant gratification that comes from drinking or doing drugs.

But of course, DynamiCare Health is not free, and its costs are higher than the monetary incentives it gives out. That’s why the platform looks to work with insurers, healthcare providers, and other organizations that work with addiction.

The platform already has a partnership with the Gavin Foundation, a group that runs recovery facilities and treatment centers in Boston. The foundation has seen about 200 people use the DynamiCare Health platform so far.

“It’s been a godsend. We look at this as a life-saving measure and that’s why we use it,” said John McGahan, president and chief executive of the Gavin Foundation, in an interview with The Boston Globe.

It’s relieving to see an app like this developed to help people with their excessive drinking or drug use issues. Apps and technology are already used for just about every aspect of our daily lives now, so it’s good to see them utilized for a positive task like this.

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