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2022 could be the year of the smart gun

A couple of different companies hope to ship smart handguns in the U.S. by the end of the year.

smartgun in hand
Image: KnowTechie

A couple of companies are working on a new type of handgun that will only be able to be fired by verified individuals.

Smart guns, as they are being called, have been a topic of discussion for some time now and it looks like we may see the first couple of iterations coming to market sometime this year.

Thanks to a report from Reuters, we now have word of two different companies that plan to create smart guns for consumers before the end of this year.

SmartGunz LLC is a gun manufacturer out of Kansas that is currently testing out its smart guns with law enforcement. That company is using radio frequency identification to ensure that only selected users can fire the guns. Its smart guns have been developed for both law enforcement and civilians.

LodeStar Works is the other company set to deliver a smart gun during 2022. That company recently revealed its 9mm smart handgun with a few different options for security.

The guns have fingerprint sensors as well as a pin pad where users can set a combination that unlocks the gun for firing. The company also has a mobile app that can be used to lock the gun.

A lot of people don’t like the idea of smart guns

smartgun disassembled
Image: Brian Losness / Reuters

Smart guns have been a controversial topic for some time now. Many critics say that having to unlock a gun could take too much time in situations where time is of the essence, such as break-ins or for law enforcement.

Reuters also notes that Smith & Wesson, an extremely popular gun brand, pledged to promote smart gun development way back in 1999. But the company’s customers weren’t having it, and the National Rifle Association led a major boycott of the company.

Despite the criticism, these companies are moving forward. The companies hope to potentially avoid some of the tragedies that can happen with guns by making sure only the right people can use them.

I think these smart guns are a great idea that could potentially save many lives in the future. But I guess, for now, we’ll have to wait and see how the gun nuts in this country react to the extra safety features in these firearms.

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