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Review: Utillian 620 Vaporizer

Easy to clean you say? Sign me up.

utillian 620 vape on table
Image: Curtis Silver / KnowTechie
The Good
Efficient pulls that allow for some bigger hits
Cleaning the unit is a breeze
A long battery time accompanied by a solid design
The Bad
Bulky design is a bit unwieldy
The small heating chamber is disappointing considering its size
Micro USB instead of USB-C

The Utillian 620 is a big vape. It’s very reminiscent of the pre-Juul liquid vaporizer days, as it pertains to girth. You know the ones I’m talking about.

The size is not a dealbreaker, surely, but it is one of my only minor gripes with it. It’s best to get that out of the way at the top.

At its core, the Utiliian 620 is an impressive weed vaporizer that features standard vape controls and serves its purpose as a weed delivery device.

This is a fair-priced, solid vaporizer that is perfect for single-use sessions. I could end the review there, but you probably want to know a little bit more.

Hit that

utillian 620 vape broken down
Image: Curtis Silver / KnowTechie

When I look at a vape the first thing I look at is the heating chamber. Specifically, how hard it might be to clean the darn thing.

Some vapes have heating chambers that take a little scrubbing, while others are perfect little cylinders.

The heating chamber on the Utillian 620 is small, big enough for a single smoking session. But it’s easy to access and easy to clean with the included magnetic cleaning tool.

When you take off the mouthpiece, the screen is sealed on the bottom, also easy to remove. This can be cleaned or replaced as necessary. In fact, the whole magnetic mouthpiece can be easily disassembled and cleaned. It’s great.

The glass mouthpiece can be pulled out of the housing and the airflow path can be removed and cleaned. Due to its unique design (kind of like a very wide drill bit), it doesn’t require daily cleaning.

This spiral airpath and wide mouthpiece provide a very clean, very thick draw. You can almost spit out massive clouds with this thing.

But why would you want to? You’re not some vape bro. You’re a weed connoisseur. This vape is a very simple, very easy-to-clean puzzle one should appreciate.

It’s rare that the construction of a vape is so efficient. With its tiny parts, the Zeus Arc GTS was a bit of a pain in that regard.

Pass it

vaporizer showing the heating screen
Image: Curtis Silver / KnowTechie

Like almost every vaporizer on the market, you press the button five times to turn it on. From there, it starts pre-heating.

You’ll get three vibrations when it reaches temperature. I found it takes about 40 seconds to fully heat up, but I didn’t have a stopwatch out.

Through a few button taps, you can change the temperature, change Celsius to Fahrenheit, and set the time and duration of heating session (three to five minutes). It’ll automatically shut down after that time is up.

The temperature information, along with battery life, is shown on a digital screen on the top of the battery. I’ve seen some on the side, some illustrated with dots, but this is better.

It’s a small thing in the overall streamlined design. Being easy to read is important for this kind of display. You don’t have to constantly turn the device around to look at the display; it’s right there. You pull it away from your face and have your battery warning and temp readings.

The charger for this thing is not proprietary (thankfully), but it is micro USB. I’m not sure when it was conceptualized and manufactured, but everything should be USB-C now.

Micro USB is fine, but this isn’t a digital camera from the mid-2000s. A personal gripe surely, but a gripe nonetheless.


vaporizer on table
Image: Curtis Silver / KnowTechie

What do we use these vapes for? We use them to get high. The Utillian 620 holds 0.2 – 0.3 grams of marijuana herb. Is that enough to get you high?

I have no general idea of the amount of grams it takes a person to get high. Every person is different. However, because of the way the Utillian heats up the herb, those two-tenths of a gram go a long way.

The convection heating runs at a temperature of 320 – 428°F. The removable convection helix evenly cooks your cannabis.

Yes, cooks. These types of vapes don’t burn weed, they cook it. It’s a little oven. And it cooks every molecule that can be cooked.

So even a small amount of weed can be better utilized here than burning it. That also makes it easier to clean. You can just quickly dump or scrape out the brown leaves.

Some vapes create this weird ashy residue because they are burning the weed at too high a temperature. This can be user error, as well. Regardless, the Utillian 620 cooks your weed very evenly, so you aren’t left with ash.

This also helps reduce any odors from the device. I know I’ve used some vapes that definitely created a healthy skunk smell. None of that here. The only thing that stunk when I was using it was Kevin’s gym socks.


utillian 620 vaporizer showing internals
Image: Curtis Silver / KnowTechie

Aside from being a very portable vape, the Utillian 620 stands out in its conservation methods. That is, you spend a lot of cash on weed so why waste it?

The Utillian 620 can take a little marijuana herb and stretch it through its efficient cooking process. This means you save money. Can you normally say that? How much does that case of Flamin’ Hot Cheetos cost?

There are plenty of comparable vapes on the market. The Crafty Plus is one that comes to mind, as well as Utillian’s own Utillian 720.

The DaVinci IQ is still a quality buy. The Airvape Legacy, the Arizer Air 2, Firefly 2, Pax 3, and G-Pen Pro are all continuous options that exist, as well.

Why should you buy the Utillian 620 over any of those? No one said you had to. But if you want to, the Utillian 620 retails for a modest $144.99 from TVape. It’s also available directly from Utillian.

Editors’ Recommendations:

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The Good
Efficient pulls that allow for some bigger hits
Cleaning the unit is a breeze
A long battery time accompanied by a solid design
The Bad
Bulky design is a bit unwieldy
The small heating chamber is disappointing considering its size
Micro USB instead of USB-C

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