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New Windows 11 update will let you view iCloud libraries on PCs

Microsoft is finally playing nice with Apple.

icloud password manager on windows
Image: KnowTechie

Soon, PC users will finally be able to view their iCloud photo libraries on any device running Windows 11. 

Microsoft announced this new functionality at its latest hardware event earlier in the week, where they also revealed new Surface hardware, partnerships with Meta, and more

If you’re a Windows Insider participant, you can try out the new functionality today. It should be available to all Windows 11 users sometime in November.

And the best part about this new iCloud integration is that it doesn’t require a web browser – users just have to download the iCloud app from Microsoft’s store. 

icloud photos app on windows 11 PC
Image: Microsoft

With iCloud photo libraries playing nice with Windows 11 machines, it’s never been easier for iPhone users to view their photos and videos on a Windows computer.

The buck doesn’t stop there. Microsoft has also announced that Apple Music will be available on Xbox One consoles. In addition, the company also says Apple Music and the Apple TV app will launch on Windows next year.

Integrations like these are just one way Microsoft is making Windows available to more people. And with them integrating one of its biggest competitors into its ecosystem – it’s clear Microsoft has big plans.

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