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Google Chrome’s RSS reader might finally come to desktop

Could this be the rebirth of Google Reader?

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Image: KnowTechie

After Google Reader was retired in 2013, Chrome was left without an RSS feed reader until it added one to mobile back in October. Now, that RSS feed reader might finally be making its way to Chrome on desktop.

A recent discovery by About Chromebooks reveals some code that pointed to a potential RSS reader coming to Chrome soon. The publication discovered the new code and UI in a developer’s build of ChromeOS 106.

An RSS (Really Simple Syndication) reader is a program that lets users easily aggregate their favorite news sources in one place.

In Google Chrome’s case, users will right-click and select a new “follow site” option to add to their reader feeds.

google rss reader follow site button
Image: About Chromebooks

Then, a standalone window shows all of the aggregated news from websites you follow. But the new interface isn’t working yet.

Adriana Porter Felt, a Google engineer, confirmed that the desktop Google Chrome feed reader was on the way. But she also confirmed that more work needs to be done on the mobile RSS reader before launching the desktop version.

On the mobile Chrome app, you can follow a website by using the three-dot menu in the top right of the app. Then, all the websites you follow will aggregate news into the New Tab window in Chrome.

It’s unclear exactly what kind of improvements need to happen before the RSS reader comes to Chrome for desktop.

But Chrome 106 will be available to the public soon. And it looks like it could bring the feed with it. For now, we’ll just have to wait and see.

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