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Your next iPhone might have USB-C charging if this new EU proposal passes

This would be a huge change for Apple and other device manufacturers.

iphone 13 pro camera and screen
Image: KnowTechie

Remember last year, when the European Union voted to require all smartphones to come with a charger that uses USB-C? Well, this year they’re trying to go one step further, with a proposal that will force smartphone and other device makers to use a common charging port on their devices.

Yes, if voted into law, smartphone manufacturers will finally have to use USB-C as the charging port on their devices, including your precious iPhone.

That’s big news. Like, really big news. Currently, wired charging on smartphones is fragmented, requiring multiple charging bricks and cables. It’s going to affect not only smartphones, but also videogame consoles, cameras, portable speakers, headphones, and tablets.

The other big part of the proposal? Harmonizing fast charging standards, so they’ll be interoperable between different devices.

The proposed rules also would make it so customers could buy devices without an included charger.

There are a couple of drawbacks to the proposal as written, namely that it gives manufacturers two years to comply, and doesn’t cover devices that only use wireless charging, only those with wired chargers. The EU commissioner, Thierry Breton said that’s because “there is plenty of space for innovation on wireless.”

Apple is likely to feel the sting of this law if it does get voted in, as the company still uses the proprietary Lightning connector on its iPhone range.

Almost every single other Apple product uses USB-C for its charging connector now though, so maybe this law would just hasten the change. It could also skirt the proposal altogether, by removing the Lightning port and going fully wireless charging via the new MagSafe connector.

I feel the proposal could be expanded even further. Every single device that uses barrel-jack connectors to power it, like routers, could be designed to work with USB-C as the power input. That would put every single low-power piece of electronics in your home using a common connector for power, making everything so much easier.

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