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Instagram for desktop just got a great redesign

The website now looks much better on bigger screens.

instagram logo with blurred phone background
Image: KnowTechie

Instagram continues to improve its desktop experience. Now, a brand new interface for web users is starting to roll out.

Adam Mosseri, head of Instagram, revealed the update in a post yesterday. Mosseri also revealed a new feature, which will let users schedule posts to come out at a certain time automatically.

The new Instagram home screen now fits much better on the screen. Many of the different menus, such as home, search, and messages, are all now located on a side rail, similar to Twitter.

instagram desktop redesign
Image: KnowTechie

Stories flow across the top of your home page on Instagram. And you can see all of your follow suggestions on the right.

“It is cleaner, faster, and easier to use and it’s designed now to take advantage of large-screen monitors,” Mosseri said about the Instagram web redesign.

Instagram originally came out as a mobile-only app designed for smartphones. But over the years, it has also developed into a desktop web app.

Recently, Instagram added the ability to make posts from the web app, previously only available on mobile.

And this update shows that the platform is looking to expand its focus to cover its web app more thoroughly.

The scheduling feature is currently in the works, and Mosseris said it’s coming soon. “I call this a finally feature,” Mosseri said. “One of those things that we really should have gotten to a long time ago.”

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