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Chrome has more vulnerabilities in 2022 than any other browser

It has had more vulnerabilities this year than the next three browsers combined.

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Image: KnowTechie

Google Chrome is the most popular web browser by far, but with great power comes great… vulnerability. A recent report shows that Google Chrome has had far more vulnerabilities in 2022 than any other browser.

The report from Atlas VPN organizes the popular web browsers in order of how many vulnerabilities they have had this year. Chrome came out way ahead of the rest of the pack, with 303 total vulnerabilities.

Next on the list is Mozilla Firefox, with a total of 117 vulnerabilities in 2022. Microsoft Edge and Safari follow up with 103 and 26 vulnerabilities, respectively.

Just because developers discover a vulnerability doesn’t mean that a web browser is dangerous. In fact, discovering a vulnerability is a good thing, as it gives the developers a chance to fix the potential problem.

With Google Chrome’s constant updates and changes, vulnerabilities are bound to pop up.

The company already discovered several vulnerabilities in October, but Google patched them in the latest Chrome version 106.0.5249.61.

As a user, the best thing you can do to combat any potential vulnerabilities is to make sure you keep your browser up to date at all times.

Developers are generally pretty quick to patch any vulnerabilities. So keeping your browser updated is the best way to avoid any trouble from potential vulnerabilities that have popped up.

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