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Can you appear offline on Epic Games?

Sometimes you just want to hop into a game of Fortnite without your friends bothering you.

epic games logo on blurred background
Image: KnowTechie

Quick Answer: Yes and no. Epic Games doesn’t offer an option for users to appear offline while gaming. However, one workaround will get the job done, but it limits what you can do on the platform.

Over the last few years, Epic Games has built up a PC gaming platform that rivals the established giants in the industry, like Steam.

The platform took the success of its hit game, Fortnite, and ran with it, creating a brand new game publishing platform and drawing in new game developers.

With such a quick rise to the top in this category, Epic Games has missed the chance for some nice quality-of-life features that other platforms do a little better.

epic games logo
Image: Epic Games

For starters, Epic’s store is sometimes difficult to navigate and lacks some finer tweaking found on other platforms.

And your game library can sometimes look like a huge mass of gibberish compared to the super useful sorting that you find on platforms like Steam.

And what about appearing offline? While gaming on Steam or you can appear offline or ‘invisible.’

But what about Epic Games? Can you just hop into a game of Fortnite without everyone on your friends list seeing that you’re online?

So, can you appear offline on Epic Games?

Short Answer: No

Unfortunately, Epic Games doesn’t have an option for users to appear offline while gaming.

Without this feature, there’s no way for you to hop into an online game without your entire friend list seeing that you are online.

However, there is one workaround that will kind of get the trick done, but it limits what you can do on the platform.

epic games friends list
Image: KnowTechie

Here’s how to appear offline on Epic Games

Epic will let you browse the platform and play some games in offline mode.

That said, the feature is somewhat complicated and pretty limiting. We’ll break it down below.

How to appear offline in Epic Games

  1. While logged into your Epic Games account, Click your Avatar in the top right and select Settings

  2. Make sure the Enable Offline Mode Browsing setting is checkedhow to turn on offline mode in epic games

  3. Disconnect your PC from the internet and shut down Epic Games completely

  4. Reload Epic Games and enter your email address to sign into offline mode

  5. You’ll have access to your library and any games that can be played offline

As you can see, the only way to appear offline on Epic Games is to actually go offline.

Not super convenient if you’re looking to hop into an online experience without your friends knowing.

It’s also worth checking if your game has an offline option.

Nevertheless, this will let you remain incognito when you’re playing games that don’t require you to be online.

That’s got to be worth something, right? No? Yea, you’re right, probably not.

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