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Instagram may soon allow users to make posts from web browsers

There’s no word on when this feature could release.

instagram logo on blurred background
Image: KnowTechie

Instagram has developed into one of the most popular social media platforms out there. Despite its massive popularity, the social media platform has remained mainly a device-only platform. It looks like that could be changing soon, with rumors that the platform is working on a way to allow users to make Instagram posts from web browsers.

As of right now, Instagram is mainly a smartphone platform, which makes sense considering the entire app revolves around photos that we now generally store on our phone. The platform is available on web browsers now, but it only exists as a way to browse the site and send direct messages.

According to Alessandro Paluzzi, a mobile developer and leaker, Instagram is currently working a feature that would allow users to actually make posts on web browsers. Paluzzi revealed this information on Twitter late last week, along with some screenshots that show the potential new feature in action.

While it does make sense that Instagram is still primarily a smartphone-based app, adding this functionality to the platform in web browsers literally only helps the platform, giving people more ways to interact. In a time where we are spending more and more time at home, the ability to use Instagram on a computer could be very nice, especially considering all of the creation tools that already exist on PC.

There is no confirmation on the possibility of this feature, and Paluzzi does not give any extra information regarding Instagram’s functionality on web browsers. It looks like we will continue to spend more time at home, so hopefully this is something that Instagram delivers soon.

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