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How to block someone’s profile on Instagram

Blocking negative influences on social media makes the experience so much better.

instagram feed on phone
Image: Unsplash

With the entire world becoming more and more present across social media sites like Facebook and Instagram, it has never been more important to become familiar with a sites blocking function. Whether you need to block a nosy ex or that wacky uncle won’t leave you alone, blocking someone on social media is something you definitely need to be familiar with.

Blocking certain users can help make your social media experiences exponentially better, but with all of the different platforms out there, it can be difficult to keep up with the various sites blocking methods.

Instagram has become one of the hottest social media platforms out there but with that popularity comes more people that you may not want to ever see on the platform. Figuring out how to block someone’s profile is not always the easiest thing to do. Luckily, we’ve got you covered.

How to block people on Instagram

Blocking someone’s profile on Instagram is one of the best ways that you can enhance your own experience by weeding out all of the negative energy that can be way too present online. There are a couple of different ways you can go about blocking an Instagram profile.

Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Navigate to the intended user’s profile

  2. Select the three dot menu in the top right of the screenhow to block people on instagram

  3. Select Block to block this account and all accounts the user makes in the futureblock people on instagram

  4. Select the more options menu to block only this account

The other way you can block an Instagram profile is through your own profile:

  1. Navigate to settings from your profile
  2. Select Privacy then Blocked accounts
  3. Select the Add button
  4. Search for the profile you would like to block
  5. Select Block at the bottom to block this account and all accounts that user makes in the future
  6. Select the more options menu to block only this account

That’s it. Those are the ways that you can block user’s accounts on Instagram. So go ahead and start getting rid of those negative influences in your life. You deserve it.

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