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The new Tesla Model S plays Cyberpunk 2077 better than the PS4

The car’s gaming rig is comparable to a PS5.

tesla model s plaid
Image: KnowTechie

Elon Musk has done it again. A couple of weeks ago, we touched on how the Tesla Model S Plaid would have a full-blown gaming rig integrated inside. Now, ole Musky has delivered, showing off the new rig inside the Model S Plaid by playing a little Cyberpunk 2077 on the machine.

Tesla held the delivery event for the Model S Plaid earlier this week. During the event, we got a good look at the new car, when we could see past Elon’s awkward jokes. Near the end of the video, we got a good look at the actual gaming potential in the Model S Plaid.

The gaming rig inside the car is powered by AMD with 10 teraflops of computing power, which makes the Model S Plaid gaming rig almost as powerful as a PS5. And what better way to showcase that than with a Cyberpunk 2077 demonstration.

“Yes, it can play Cyberpunk.” Hilarious, Elon.

But really, this is pretty impressive. Cyberpunk 2077 is a very demanding game that still has its fair share of issues. Though many bugs have been fixed since the game’s abysmal launch, it is still stricken by frequent crashing on last-gen consoles.

The fact that the Model S Plaid was capable of running Cyberpunk 2077 at all, even though it was a fairly brief showcase, is very cool. While gaming is probably one of the bigger factors you consider when looking at a car, it is still a very cool feature.

Tesla seems to be about designing an experience, and having a gaming rig front and center could definitely enhance that experience.

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